Construction Management Plan | Lonsdale Telephone Exchange Design Structural Integrity Upgrade Enhance Building Facade, Melbourne – VIC

The Lonsdale Telephone Exchange was constructed in 1909 in the heart of the Melbourne CBD. Originally commissioned by the Public Works Department of the Commonwealth of Australia to house the then new telephone service, the building use has evolved over time and structure / layout / facility required to adapt to accommodate these changes. 

Current works at the building involve an upgrade of the structural integrity of the building and facade walls, whilst ensuring the ongoing operation of the network building and duty of care to staff and public are met.

Unified Services are engaged to complete the mechanical works on the project, and contracted Dewick & Associates to prepare a Construction Management Plan.

Dewick’s customised plan included sections covering Project Overview, Team Details, Authority Management, Construction Management, OH&S, Environmental Management, Communications and Construction Management Plan Compliance. 

Mechanical, Electrical and Hydraulic Services Contractor: Unified Services



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